
Up to the minute 易胜博 (易胜博) Campus Closing information may be viewed at:

预报说明尼苏达州一年中有9个月会下雪, 易胜博 would like to remind all campus community members of the policy/procedures for the delay, 校园取消或关闭. (For a complete listing of policies/procedures related to Campus Closings or Cancellation of Classes or Activities Due to Inclement Weather or other Emergencies, 请参考 政策4.4天气/紧急关闭).

The following articulates the procedures that are followed by 易胜博 (易胜博) when it becomes necessary to close the campus or cancel academic or non-academic activities due to inclement weather or other emergency conditions, along with procedures that describe Minnesota State work conditions that prevail during the time that the campus is closed.


  • CLOSING THE CAMPUS:  Closing the campus means to cease all operations on campus, other than those operations deemed essential to the protection of life and property. Closing the campus results in the cancellation of classes, student and staff activities and meetings.  所有办公室都关门了.  Only essential employees (as defined below) must report to work during their regularly scheduled shifts. 所有其他员工(教职员工)都可以不带薪工作.
    例如, 如果校园提早关门, all classes that start before the closure time will begin to meet at their regularly scheduled time but must conclude at the closure time.
  • DELAYED OPENING:  Delayed opening refers to opening of all operations at a later time, other than those operations essential to the protection of life and property.
    例如, 如果学院宣布校园将于上午10点开放, 所有在此时间之前上课的班级将不上课.  在延迟开放期间, only Essential 员工 must report to work during their regularly scheduled shifts. 所有其他员工(教职员工)都可以不带薪工作 during the time the campus is considered closed.
  • CANCELLATION OF CLASSES:  Cancellation of classes (off-campus or on-campus) means to cancel one, 几个, 或者所有类, 没有正式关闭整个校园的情况下.
  • CANCELLATION OF NON-ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES:  Cancellation of non-academic activities refers to the cancellation of an event such as athletic events, 戏剧作品, 音乐会, 或车间.
  • ESSENTIAL EMPLOYEES:  员工 designated by the President for the purpose of providing essential services to the College/Campus.



在天气或其他紧急情况下, 关闭条件和决定的评估, delays or cancelations for the 易胜博 Campus is the responsibility of the 易胜博 President, 主席不在时,或由其指定的人出席. Personnel at the regional office of the Minnesota State Patrol in Rochester, 明尼苏达州罗彻斯特交通部, and the Olmsted County and City of Rochester Law Enforcement and Highway Maintenance Centers may be consulted regarding existing travel and safety conditions prior to any decisions effecting cancellation and or closure.

只要有可能, 关闭校园的决定, 延迟开课或取消当天的课程是否会在早上6点前开课.m. 只要有可能 the decision to cancel evening class will be made by 3:00 p.m.


在紧急情况下, 紧急警报电子邮件将发送给所有易胜博的学生和员工, and a phone call/text message will be made to all subscribers of the 紧急警报系统. 鼓励所有校园社区成员报名参加 紧急警报系统.

此外,易胜博的 脸谱网, 推特,及网址(d05g.chinakfbdf.com)会提供最新的资料, the College’s main switchboard will have a recorded message with the status of any campus closing (507-285-7210) and the following media outlets will be notified:
Television: KTTC-TV, FOX 47-TV; and KAAL-TV

  • When the campus is closed due to an emergency which threatens the health and safety of individuals, employees not deemed essential for the safe operation of the campus may be excused from duty with full pay. In regard to such closure the following additional guidelines will prevail:
  • When the campus is closed, Minnesota State employees are excused from work with pay. 宣布关闭校园的,应当, 只要有可能, 明确规定员工请假的时间范围. The campus closure applies to all employees without regard to labor contract. Essential employees who are not excused from work will be paid their regular rate of pay, 在天气或其他紧急情况下.
  • 员工 who reported to work and were sent home should not be paid for more than their regular scheduled hours. 不得通过额外的报酬来充实员工, 包括补偿时间, 或因紧急情况而增加津贴.
  • Essential employees who were required by their appointing authorities to remain at work should not be paid for more than their regular scheduled hours or the actual hours worked inclusive of any overtime.
  • 员工 on approved sick or pre-arranged vacation/leave shall not have such leave time restored to their balances.
  • 员工 on any approved leave without pay shall not be paid for this emergency leave time.
  • 被叫来的员工, 在紧急情况下, 从假期开始, compensatory time or leave without pay will be credited with emergency leave from the point of the declaration of the emergency to end of the scheduled shift, 如指定机构在其正常轮班期间停止运作.
  • Employee uniform time reports should indicate the number of emergency hours utilized in the remarks section on their report.
  • 当课程被取消,但校园没有关闭, appropriate curricular adjustments shall be made by the faculty on an individual basis. 取消课程不能作为员工旷工的借口. 员工, 包括教师, 可能请事假, 假期休假或在课程取消时使用获得的补休时间, 他们选择不去上班.
  • 非学术活动取消时, 在适当和可能的情况下,活动应重新安排.
  • 由于个人情况在恶劣天气, 比如居住地, employees might find it necessary to leave work early even through the campus has not been closed. Further, employees might be unable to get to work even though the campus is open. 在这种情况下,可准予紧急/事假或休假.
